Friday, 18 November 2016

Five Layers of the body
The first outermost layer is the Food Layer. The food layer or the gross body is created from food. We are born as small little infants. What makes us the grownups or adults that we are? It is the food that we eat that becomes this physical body.
The second layer below the Food Layer is the Vital Air Layer or Life Force Layer. The Vital Air Layer is subtler than the Food Layer. It is a layer that controls the five functions of respiration, excretion, circulation, digestion and reverse action. Along with the organs of action, these form the second layer.
The third layer is the Mind Layer. The Layer of the mind along with five organs of perception - the eyes, the ears, the nose, the tongue, and the skin form the third layer below the Food and Vital /air layers.
The fourth layer is the Intellectual Layer. The Intellectual layers controls the other three layers. It constitutes the intellect and five organs of perception the eyes, the ears, the nose, the tongue, and the skin which are common to both the mind and intellectual layers.
The three layers, Vital Air or Life Force, the Mind, and the Intellectual layers together form the subtle body, while the Food Layer is the gross body.
The Bliss Layer is the fifth or the innermost layer of the body, just outside an immediately covering the Soul.
The five layers together conceal the true self, the Soul, or the Atman.

Penetrating beyond the five layers
People are born and they die thinking they are different from the Soul, Least do they realize that they are not the body but rather the Soul.
I am the Soul, the self. The three bodies and the five layers are not the true self, the Soul that I actually am.
It may appear that the Soul is acting and moving but this is an illusion, just like the moon appears to be running when the clouds move in the sky or just like the trees and the  houses appear to be moving while travelling in a train, when in reality it is actually the train that is moving. When the mind is agitated, the Soul or true self seems to be agitated. But in reality, the Soul is silent and calm.
Due to ignorance and not using the intellect to discriminate, we confuse ourselves and super impose the qualities of the body, mind, and intellect on the Soul. In reality, we are not the body, mind, and intellect, but we are the Soul. But the moment we say - “ I enjoy… I do…” it is the ego that expresses, forgetting its true identity.  As long as the mind is functioning, we have desires  and we experience pleasure and pain. In deep sleep, when the mind ceases to exist, all these disappear.
The mind is inert matter. It is the Soul that illuminates the mind and the body through its consciousness. Without the Soul, there would be no power to the mind, to the intellect, and to the body. The Soul does nothing else, except for illuminating or energizing the body.

Narain Balchandani.

The Fourth factors is required for Success
The elements for gaining the results of any action:
1.   The doer
2.   The instrument of action
3.   The act itself.
None of these three elements can independently produce the result. The plough cannot plough without the farmer. The hand cannot write without a pen. A tree cannot grow without a seed being planted. The farmer, despite ploughing and sowing seeds, has to depend on rains.
If we were capable of getting desired results, we would always get what we wanted.  But such is not the case. There is a fourth element that is responsible for the results, this element is called the God factor. Man is only an operator who utilizes God-given powers to act. He does not control all the result.
Man forgets God and gives rise to his ego and acts as if he is the doer. The action gives results, and he is the enjoyer. Man gets caught in this vicious circle and thus gets attached to the joy of the results. He realizes that the results are important, but he cannot give up action. The anyway for him to come out of this situation is to perform action without desire or the result. Man gets attached to their result because his ego makes him feel that he is independent and self sufficient. He forgets the fourth factor.
Love of God is eternal. Instead of loving humans who may break our heart, it is far better to love god who will never do so. This story clearly showed how earthly love can be so fickle an lack true devotion. It is sad but true. Hearts in the world will be broken again and again. Love God instead.
Narain Balchandani. 

Physical, Astral and Casual Body

The soul is formless and invisible, so it does not look like anything. The soul, when taking human form contained with the physical, astral, and causal bodies.
The physical body is easily observable and tangible. Just look in a mirror or touch your arm. The astral body is sometimes seen by people or it may be photographed by special machines. It is made of light and is sometimes called an aura. The causal body has no form it is the thought or idea of a person as an individual.
There are five organs of action - speech, hands, legs, anus, and genitals. It is with these that we are able to speak, to grasp, to move, to excrete, and to procreate. The body responds to external stimuli through them. They are prompted by the mind into action.
The five life forces are Respiration, Circulation, Digestion, excretion and Reverse Action.
The body is clearly made up of the physical body and the Astral body. Nobody will deny the fact that the body is not the gross element of earth, water, air, fire and space, but it also includes the mind and the intellect. It includes the sense organs, the organs of action, the life forces the Pranas, and therefore with even the slightest of introspection one will admit that the body is both the  physical body and the  astral body.
There is a third aspect to the body is both - the physical body and the  astral body. What is difficult to accept is that there is a third aspect to the body called the casual body, the actual cause of the   casual body’ because this cannot be seen, it requires deep introspection  to understand. The casual body arises out of ignorance and until one has knowledge one will never be able to realize that we are also comprised of not only the  physical or the  astral body but also the casual body.
The five life forces that run the five systems of the body along with the mind, intellect and the five sense organs and five action organs together as the subtle body drives the body into action.
The subtle body and the gross body are caused  by the causal body, the subtlest of three.
Although the causal body does not physically exist, the ignorance in it creates the subtle body and the gross body, and thus gives it prime importance. The ignorance can be destroyed by knowledge. Therefore, the causal body is not eternal like the Soul or the true self.
Just like the wave that thinks it exists, but in reality, is actually the ocean.

Narain Balchandani.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Realization of God
Everything is a manifestation of God. God is the one and the only one in realizing God.
Steps in realizing God:
1.   Listening to the truth: A seeker must read scriptures, listen to the true Teacher.  It would be quite questionable and difficult to accept an understand. However, a true seeker does not stop at that. He moves to the second step.
2.   Reasoning of the truth:  Most of the time, reasoning the truth reveals some answers. The mind that is an enemy of realization distracts the seeker from finding the truth just by listening and reasoning. How does one realize the truth? One has to move further.
3.   Deep contemplation on what has been heard and reasoned: After a seeker listens to or reads about the scriptures, he reasons to see what the fact is. The seeker goes deep within, dedicates, contemplates, an introspects.
For a genuine seeker to realize the truth all the three steps are required listening or reading, reasoning, and then contemplating. Next step is Grace of God. Unless there is the grace of God, the mind will continue to play tricks and disturb our thought process. With these three steps and with the grace of God, a seeker can be liberated.
Doors to liberation
The term Enlightenment can be equated to Liberation, it is quite simple.
First: Enlightenment gives ultimate everlasting bliss that comes from the realization of the truth that we are the Divine Soul, not the body mind we seem to be. It is the  joy that comes from the realization of the truth that I am the Soul not the body.
Second: the understanding that  world is full of suffering. Anybody who is born must die. They cycle of life calls for each one to grow decay and die, and the only way out of this cycle of reincarnation is liberation of the Soul.
Third: We all live a life of ignorance thinking we are  the body and mind when in reality, we are the Divine spirit.
Realization can happen when one passes through four Doors Dispassion, Discrimination, Discipline, and Deep Desire for God.
Dispassion: The seeker wanting Enlightenment must detach. He must renounce to find Enlightenment. And thus a seeker of Liberation lets go. He consciously chooses to walk the path of renunciation, of dispassion, and of detachment. This helps the seeker start the peak - the peak of Enlightenment. The key challenge for such a seeker is to live a life of divine acceptance rather than a life of desires, knowing the truth that “I am not the body-mind”. The renunciate stops the mind from wandering, stops the senses from craving, and moves onward seeking Liberation and Enlightenment.
Discrimination: A seeker must go through Discrimination. The use of Discrimination is the ability to question and realize what is true and what is false. It is a constant battle for the body-mind as on one side the self thinks it is this, but the intellect knows it is not this.
Discipline:  The seeker lives a life of discipline with a 6-fold virtues:
(a)   Control of the Mind - To be liberated, one has to control the mind. The mind wanders all the time. It constantly produces thoughts that pull one into the world.
(b)   Control of Senses - The five senses: the senses to see, smell, hear, taste, and touch. These senses have sense perceptions. They trigger the mind to desire and wander, creating sensual desires. To be liberated, one needs to control the senses as the senses tie one down to the world and to the process of Libration.
(c) Control of Cravings - We tend to develop cravings. These are habitual desires. The senses keep on wanting to the mind converts these signals into action and we end up moving towards acquiring these habits instead of being liberated. Thus, it’s so very important to not live with desire, passion, and expectations. These take us away from the journey towards Enlightenment.
(d) Forbearance, Acceptance and Endurance - One who wants to be enlightened and to go onwards Liberation, lives with a positive attitude all the time.
Thus, if any bad situation arises, they still respond in a positive manner, not reacting negatively. They return good even for evil as it’s philosophy of their life.
(e) Faith and Surrender - He who seeks liberation has to lie with Faith. He has to live with Hope - Have only positive expectation. He has to live with trust - total reliance, unconditional surrender to the almightily.
(f) Focus, silence, meditation - the sixth virtue is focus or equipoise. Focus is on the truth. Who am I? Focus on the teachings of the Guru. It needs silent introspection. It needs one to go within to the truth, instead of going out and getting lost in the world. This focus takes one to know the truth and achieve liberation.
Together, these Six Virtues help one progress towards Liberation.
Deep Love and Longing for God - A true seeker seeks nothing else. He knows that everything is an illusion. Only God is the one reality. So the seeker moves on as a lover of God, a seeker of God, which means that one seeks nothing except God.
A seeker takes up Renunciation, uses his Intellect to wipe out ignorance, and chooses what is right. He chooses by choosing to live with the Six Virtues. And while doing all these, he develops a passion, an obsession for god. He seeks nothing else but God.

Narain Balchandani.


Yoga means UNION. It implies that one is constantly connected to God all the time. Absolutely! How is this possible? Its best understood by imagining one to be like a wireless equipment always searching for the satellite, pinging for connectivity at all times. Without the satellite connectivity at all times. Without the satellite connecting, the wireless equipment  is useless. Similarly, we are   useless without the connectivity with God.
For most of the world, being connected to the world, to friends, and to family is what matters. They don’t get  into the introspective and inquisitive mode of asking - who am I? why am I here? They think that the purpose or goal of life is happiness. They seek pleasures. They live and die only to be born again and again in this world of suffering. It is the seeker one  who is ever connected to god who achieves the ultimate bliss that comes from the realization of the truth.           
Life is meant to be lived with god, being constantly connected with god.
The world has distracted us. So, we do not connect with God. In fact, we have forgotten god. However, one is often compelled to think of God at times of distress, misfortune, or death.
Yoga or Union with god is possible in four ways:
1.   Yoga of action:  One who creates a union   with god through his work does everything as an offering to god.  There is no selfish objective in his work. He lives as God would like him to. He surrenders like a flute to god so that god can play His music through him. He considers himself to be God’s instrument. God works through him. Therefore, his actions are not his actions, but actions that are inspired by God and that build a connection with god.
2.   Yoga of Devotion: one who creates a union with God through his devotion is one whose life is full of love and longing for God. His devotion and dedication are seen through his prayer. A devotee sings spiritual hymns and dedicates himself to god, never forgetting god
3.   Yoga of Education: The third connection is gaining union with god through acquiring knowledge and wisdom. A seeker who reads, searches, learns, and contemplates all the time is a time is a seeker of wisdom. Because of such seekers, there is so much knowledge of god available in the world today. This seeker is always connected to god through the intellectual channel. Though the seeker knows much, he understands that he is nothing and god is everything.
4.   Yoga of Mediation:  the last union is considered  is all about meditation and silence. It includes the yoga of breathing and postures. However, meditation means focus of body and mind. If the mind is wandering while the body is in a yogic position, it has no meaning.
A true seeker who wants the ultimate answers knows that  there is a power: a power that created this whole universe; a power that’s responsible for its preservation, a power that manages the sun, the moon, the stars, the birds, animals, flowers, and us humans. This is the work of a creative power, a power beyond human imagination and beyond human comprehension a power we call god. For one who seeks liberation and enlightenment, it becomes imperative to be in yoga, to connect with this power.

Narain Balchandani.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Congress is Anti National

The historical event shows that congress was and is still Anti national.
1.   Nehru was responsible for partition of India.
2.    Nehru was advised by British general to take over Tibbet. He ignored it.
3.   Nehru was advised to use Air Force against China He refuse to do so The Indian Air Force was for stronger than of the china at that time.
4.   Had Nehru been the Prime Minister of India we would lost 1965 war. As he would have refused to have open new fronts or use of Indian Air Force.
5.   Indian armed forces won decidedly the war of 1971 which was given away to Pakistan in Shimla agreement. There was a fit case of war crimes against Pakistan Army.
6.   The subsequent problems in country were waged by
Wounded Pakistan to Aveng the defeat of 1971 war.
7.   Recent blood both in stock market is due to congress government not allowing passing the GST and Land bills and nation lost crores of rupees at stock market.

8.   UPA Government has deprived Armed Forces for its fighting capability and in the event of joint attack by china and Pakistan Indian forces would have surrendered. Congress made deliberate attempts to make our forces unfit for winning the war. 
9.   Congress is not allowing to run parliament house on flimsy grounds. It was shameful to see parliament when Bhutanese young parliamentarian were in the parliament.

10.    The Ex-congress Minister advised Pakistan to remove Mr.Modi for resuming the peace talk and another minister state publically Nawaj sheriff want peace but Indian Government is not co-operating. It is not Anti National, than what it is.

11.    On 11/12/2015 in Rajasthan congress councilor was leading a March shouting against VHP, RSS and supporting ISI and Pakistan. I personally witnessed a demonstration by Muslims on Town hall Abusing V.H.P, RSS and very Foul language for Prime Minister.
